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🌟Two shows today🌟
Team Jo-Kin’s well presented in both ❣️
At Ruovesi Group Show
Jo-Kin’s It’s Tea a’Clock ”Greta” BOS, CAC
Ch Jo-Kin’s What A Smartie Pants ”Naldus” BM-2
Ch Jo-Kin’s Kiss Me Close ”Bono” BOB-veteran, BM-3
At Kouvola National Show
Ch Jo-Kin’s Unwritten Heart Song ”Tosca” BOS, BOB-veteran
So happy and proud breeder here 🥰👏
Thank you all lovely owners and congratulations to you Henriette Schrader, Eija Vesava, Seija Rantamäki! 🙏❤️🏆
Congrats also Jonna & Kati for Louie’s BOB! 🏵